Megan Dillman, MD

Internal Medicine Physician & Pediatrician located in Lakeville, MN

Internal Medicine Physician & Pediatrician located in Lakeville, MN

United Healthcare Premium Provider Designation effective 9/1/23!

MEET Megan Dillman, MD

Dr. Megan Dillman
Dr. Megan Dillman
Double-boarded in
Internal Medicine-Pediatrics

Megan Dillman, MD, is a double board-certified internal medicine and pediatrics specialist at Dillman Clinic & Lab, Inc. In Lakeville, Minnesota. As one of the few physicians practicing outpatient internal medicine in the southwest metro area, Megan Dillman, MD, feels a responsibility to provide complete care for patients of all ages. From well-child exams, sports physicals, and annual physicals to well-woman exams, she emphasizes the importance of preventive care to limit disease risk factors. Outside of work, she enjoys baking, rowing, cooking, and biking.

2021 Patient Choice Award:

75th Percentile or higher for

“Willingness to recommend this provider”

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